American Cancer Society / volunteercommunity.cancer.org
Volunteer options include fundraising through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and Relay for Life events as well as direct patient support and advocacy. Some activities may be suspended due to the pandemic.
Cancer Action Network / fightcancer.org
The American Cancer Society’s CAN needs volunteers to join its advocacy work for cancer prevention, early detection and improving quality of life for cancer patients and their families. Follow initiatives: @ACSCANnm on Twitter, @ACScan on Facebook
Cancer Foundation for New Mexico in Santa Fe / cffnm.org
Usually the Foundation needs volunteers for patient support services and Spanish translation services. Contact Caroline Owen at 505-955-7931, ext. 3 or caroline@cffnm.org.
Cancer Services of New Mexico / cancerservicesnm.org
Volunteers are usually needed for administrative support, promotion, fundraising, caregiver support and the annual family cancer retreat. Contact Janet Quintana-Cook at 505-288-0331 or janet@cancerservicesnm.org.
Firefly Sisterhood / fireflysisterhood.org
The national organization matches cancer survivors with women who have been impacted by a breast cancer diagnosis to provide one-to-one social and emotional support. For more information, call Amy at 952-428-8945.
Friend for Life / friend4life.org
If you are a cancer survivor and would like to become a trained volunteer to support others through their cancer care, call 866-374-3634.
The Breast Cancer Awareness plate / mvd.newmexico.gov
This license plate is available to any motor vehicle owner in New Mexico. Of the $37 fee collected, $25 goes to the New Mexico Department of Health to help fund breast cancer screening, outreach and education. Visit MVD’s website and look under vehicles, and “organizations and causes” under plates. Casa Esperanza / casanm.org
Buy a vehicle or donate your old one. The nonprofit holds a monthly vehicle auction to support its mission of providing support and housing to patients and their families when they are receiving treatment in Albuquerque. Sweetheart Auction / cffnm.org
You can sponsor or attend the Cancer Foundation for New Mexico’s annual auction in February. More info: 505-955-7931.
Kevin Rudi Foundation President Matthew Duran poses with a runner at the third annual Rudi’s Run in Albuquerque.
Santa Fe New Mexican