

If you are working through cancer, you need to clearly ask for what you need from your employer and co-workers, and focus on your own well-being. Consider how you can set limits at work so you can prioritize your health. You are not required to tell anyone about your diagnosis.

Reflection of your role

• Tell your doctor exactly what your job is and any unique circumstances

you’ll be coping with during treatment.

• Ask for general ideas of how your diagnosis, medication or treatment

could affect your job.

• See if you can be flexible with the time you take your medications in

order to minimize any side effects at work.

• Check into any employee assistance program if you’re interested in

seeking counseling.

Items to keep at work to help with chemo brain

• Take short breaks during your day or shift to help your energy.

• Use lists and alarms to remember meetings or tasks.

• A recording app or digital recorder could support your memory.

• If you’re coping with chemo brain, consider asking to work in a soundproof environment or from home (if feasible for you) to decrease distractions and improve your concentration. Chemo brain is a diagnosable condition, and your employer needs to make accommodations for you.

National resource:

For information and free brochures about living and working with cancer as well as looking for employment, visit www.cancerandcareers.org.

Living Logistics





Santa Fe New Mexican