
Canutito ‘va al carnaval por la primera vez’

Una mañana Canutito came out of the restroom y anunció, “¡Ahora le floshé al común and it swirled around and around bien exciting como un carnaval!” “¡Ay!” Grama Cuca muttered to herself, “¡este muchito tiene way too much imaginación! He needs to see lo que un real carnaval looks like.”

The following day, Grampo Caralampio entró en la cocina con un flyer in his hand que había hallado en el windshield en la troca. Ese afiche announced que un carnaval was coming to town. He told Grama Cuca, “I think que aquí está la answer to your prayers, Cuca. Este weekend vaa venir un carnaval pa’cá.”

La Grama Cuca se puso toda excited and she ran off pa’ ganarle las albricias al Canutito. She wanted to be la primera to break the news to him.

As soon as Canutito woke up en la mañana, he started amarrándose los zapatos and getting ready pa’ir al carnaval. With his shoes nicely tied, he jumped en la troca for the short ride hacia el carnaval, pero cuando llegó, he was so excited que no sabía por dónde comenzar. Grama Cuca suggested that he ride El Tío Vivo before he tried todas las otras cosas.

Canutito felt bien proud cuando le dio su tíquite al hombre who was running the merry-go-round. He chose un caballito negro to ride that was next to a pink pony donde iba sentada una muchita bonita eating popcorn. He tried to impress the little girl que estaba comiendo palomitas by not holding las riendas on the black pony or to the pole as the caballito went pa’rriba y pa’bajo.

Cuando Canutito got down del Tío Vivo, he looked at the tilt-a-whirl con mucho interés. Grampo Caralampio had referred to that contraption as “los cajetes” porque the tilt-awhirl looked a lot like people riding around in tin tubs. It just so happened that the pretty girl de la merry-to-round had also gotten en los cajetes with Canutito. During the ride she let go de su cotton candy and she was clinging to him más nice! Canutito didn’t even mind de que los dedos de la muchita were sticky por el algodón.

Después de los cajetes, Canutito heard many kids yelling desde algo that looked poco dangerous. Grampo Caralampio referred to it as “una montaña rusa,” which was how he said un roller coaster en español. Grama Cuca wouldn’t let Canutito get on it. Instead, she told him que aquí en Nuevo México a roller coaster was called “a Russian mountain” pero que en Russia, the same thing was called “una montaña Americana.”

Canutito next glanced over to the ride called “The Hammers” porque había visto a la muchita getting on en “Los Marros” con una Coke. As he was standing there haciéndole el trai de ver a la pretty girl, he felt algo caerle on his back. He wasn’t sure si era la Coke de la muchita o si ella se había vomitado de su espalda. Canutito went back adonde estaban su grampo y su grama. He watched grampo shooteando ducks en el shooting gallery y luego he watched grama tratando de ganar un premio over at the ring toss. She won una charolita pero she just left that bowl allí porque she already had muchos trastes para lavar.

On the way back pa’la casa, Canutito fell asleep en la troca, soñando con el carnaval. Estaba bien contento porque this had been el best day of his life! …






Santa Fe New Mexican