
Save democracy

The Senate filibuster is a threat to the human race. Aside from its sordid history as a block to civil rights legislation, it’s a block to congressional progress. The corruption that the Supreme Court rubber-stamped with the Citizens United decision encourages the status quo to remain. The status quo threatens democracy and any chance we have to address climate change before it’s too late. That’s before the “Big Lie” and the current rash of fevered voter-suppression bills. It is a dark future that the Senate is condemning us to, not just in America but for the world.

If we are to preserve a planet that is habitable by human beings, we have no choice but to move ahead on voting rights legislation. No choice. Not to support democracy is to give up the fight for our children’s future. Please, for the sake of humanity and all that is good, fair and just, write your senators, and even those recalcitrant Democratic senators from Arizona, West Virginia and even California. Insist the filibuster be eliminated or substantially reformed, so that progress can be made and the planet can be saved.

Pamela Rogers Santa Fe






Santa Fe New Mexican