
Dear Friends,

We are honored to provide this year’s Cancer Awareness Resource Guide – a handbook of local resources, programs and information. This guide is for patients and caregivers, for concerned family members and for friends who want to know how to help.

We offer this guide as a way to inform and support you wherever you are on your cancer journey. C.A.R.E. points you toward online resources for cancer information and supportive networks, but the guide’s strength is its focus on what’s available to you locally.

In this edition, we put local resources next to their pertinent topics. For example, you’ll find local sources for financial assistance next to cancer costs in the Living Logistics section and a listing of support groups after our story about how essential it is for patients to feel supported in the Support & Self Care section.

In the Journey section, you’ll find information about changes in cancer screening and support services due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This story reminds us of the importance of taking care of our overall health during a pandemic.

Our final short story in the Support & Self Care section describes the benefits hospice can offer patients and their loved ones. Hospice care encircles the entire family and can ease emotional and physical pain.

We hope this guide helps you learn how to care for yourself, find local resources you need and navigate the complexities of your journey from grief and relationships to work and caregiving.

We wish you resiliency and comfort, Deborah Busemeyer, C.A.R.E. editor

Table Of Contents





Santa Fe New Mexican